#newsamehope / 4.1.20
What is new in the last (48) hours?
The United Center is now a storage site for the Greater Chicago Food Depository. It has 460,000 pounds of food so far.
Northwestern Medicine announces COVID-19 drug trial
A man at Stateville Correctional Center died. Kindly note: he had not been sentenced to death. We need to release people, we need to release people, we need to release people.
What is the same?
My wind-up kitchen timer rings out its shrill little alarm bell, but then continues to tick for a while. When is time up? At the bell? After the last tick? When the oatmeal absorbs the water? Time is still relative, sounds like.
What is the hope?
My therapist is 78. I asked her how she’s dealing with everything, as it must require a lot of her to be an anchor for so many folks navigating the world right now. She explained that her vocation holds her and enables her to be present for all of her clients. That that’s how she knows she’s doing exactly what she should be doing. I feel that way when I’m teaching. I miss my students. There’s hope in that confirmation, and there’s hope in the ways we’re trying to innovate online learning.
I overcooked my lentils and wasn’t looking forward to eating a bowl of soggy mush. My cousin said, “it sound like they want to me soup.” A good reminder to take a second to look at a situation and ask, “does this just want to be soup?”
Photo: Upper Antelope Canyon. August 2018.